Gibbons Broncos hosting season kickoff party

The Gibbons Broncos are kicking off their hockey season with a tailgate party.

The Broncos first game of the season is against the NEZ Northstars at Gibbons Arena on Saturday (Sep. 30), with the game starting at 7:30 p.m. However, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. there will be a tailgate party in the parking lot.

“We’re going to give out some free hotdogs, play some games, and have some new merch,” said Adrian Mifflin, president of the Broncos.

Admission is free, which Mifflin said is mainly for the families.

“We just want the community to get out and enjoy a night out on the town. The Broncos have been a staple in Gibbons for 30, 40 years now.”

The Broncos are also bringing out their new jerseys, which they had designed between seasons.

For all the night owls, there will also be a live band giving a free performance after the game.

The Gibbons Broncos.