Fort Sask. Food Bank City Wide Food Drive tops last year

The numbers are in from Fort Saskatchewan Food Bank’s annual City Wide Food Drive.

This year, with the help of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, residents filled those yellow bags to the sum of 17,389 lbs of food items, a 14.6 per cent increase year over year. The food bank also received monetary donations totalling $1,300 dollars this year, the first in which cash donations were accepted.

“We are very thankful to our local church stakes that organizes [the Alberta Food Drive]. It takes a lot of volunteer time, to organize and to plan and then to execute the day of.” said Kassandra Gartner, executive director of the food bank.

The food bank is always seeking non-perishable items like juice, canned soup, and jam. Along with dry goods like coffee, sugar and flour.

“The items that we specifically request, generally are items that go out in hampers regularly. We do tend to ask for the same things becuase we are distributing them in every single hamper based on the needs of our clients,” Gartner said.

Residents are also welcomed to make monetary donations to the food bank, either directly, or online at the food banks website.

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