‘Cram the Van’ returns to Fort Saskatchewan this weekend

‘Cram the Van’ is returning to Fort Saskatchewan over the weekend.

This is the seventh annual ‘Cram the Van’, where Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Officers gather new toys and money for the local Families First Society.

“Families First uses those cash donations to buy formula and diapers for families that need that type of thing,” said Chris Gibson, intelligence officer at the Fort Saskatchewan Correctional Facility.

The officers will outside of the Fort Saskatchewan Walmart from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday collecting toys.

“We consistently raise around $4,000, and we probably donate around 4 to 7 van fulls of toys since the first year we’ve done it.”

They’ll only be accepting new toys for the event, and although they’re not looking for any specific items, Gibson added that they’ve noticed a lack of donations for older kids.

“A lot of the times people forget about young teens and teenagers,” said Gibson.

All of the donated toys will be going towards families in need this holiday season.

Cram the Van 2022.
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