Over 24,000 Edmonton transit tickets and warnings handed out in 2022

The City of Edmonton has released data about the amount of tickets handed out throughout 2022.

City data shows that a total of 24,586 tickets and warnings were handed out in 2022, with 70 per cent of them going to people with no fixed address.

Having no fixed address doesn’t necessarily mean being homeless. Those who refuse to identify themselves or leave the scene before the ticket is issued are also considered to have no fixed address.

Tickets and warnings were handed out for a series of violations, from loitering and not paying a fare to using drugs and urinating. These tickets ranged from $120 for intoxication to $600 for trespassing.

According to a spokesperson with the Criminal Trial Lawyers’ Association, most of these tickets were for people not paying the $2.75 fare.

FST Route 580. Image provided by the City of Fort Saskatchewan.