Fort Sask RCMP respond two second robbery this week

Fort Saskatchewan RCMP were sent to respond to the second armed robbery this week.

The robbery was reported on Wednesday night at an establishment near 51 Street and 48 Avenue in Lamont.

According to police, two men and one woman entered the store before peppery spraying the clerk and stealing cash from the register. It was also reported that one of the suspect’s pulled a gun and fired several shots.

Nobody was injured by the gun, but the clerk was treated on scene for pepper spray exposure. Although this robbery was similar to another armed robbery in Fort Saskatchewan earlier this week, it is unknown if they’re both connected.

The RCMP are looking for the public’s help in identifying the suspects.

Suspect 1 is described as

  • Tall male with a slender build
  • Black Crooks & Castles hoodie, black jeans, black baseball cap

Suspect 2 is described as:

  • Petite female with fair skin
  • Black togue, black zipper style hoodie

Police are asking anyone with footage of the area between 10:40 and 11 p.m. to get in touch with the Fort Saskatchewan RCMP at 780-997-7900.

Robbery Suspects.