City of Leduc to Ask Alberta For QEII Speed Cut

Leduc City council voted unanimously in favour of pursuing a speed limit reduction along the section of Highway 2 that runs through the City of Leduc, minutes south of Edmonton.

The speed limit on this stretch of the QEII is currently 110 kilometres per hour along the highway that serves as the main arterial route between the capital region and Calgary, while council will ask for speeds to be capped at 80 kilometres per hour through this area.

“The collision rate for the stretch of the QEII in the Leduc corridor, that’d be from … Airport Road to just slightly past Highway 2A was twice as high for any four-lane divided highway in that stretch,” said Cameron Chisholm, Leduc’s manager of RCMP administration and enforcement services, author of the report.

“Our first responders attend these collisions, and given the high numbers of collisions, it puts the safety of our first responders at risk. We’ve had a [Correctional Peace Officer] vehicle sideswiped on the QEII, we’ve had a County of Leduc firetruck that was rear-ended there, and also an RCMP vehicle rear ended there,” Chisholm said.

Chisholm is also concerned the provincial government may raise the speed limit on Highway 2 further to 120 kilometres per hour, saying “I do have concerns over the speed limit, and if it is raised in that area, then we could have issues there, and it could jeopardise the safety of our community.”

The entire discussion is available on the City of Leduc’s meeting archive, from the timestamp of approximately 26:45.

Below: Image of Leduc City council, from the City of Leduc’s webpage.

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