Tickets go on sale for St. Albert 2024 Business Breakfast

Tickets are on sale for the upcoming 2024 Economic Development Business Breakfast, put on by the City of St. Albert.

The breakfast is at Anthony Henday Business Park on March 14, with the breakfast starting at 7:30 a.m. and running until 10 a.m.

This event gives residents the opportunity to learn about new developments, local businesses, and economic growth in the city. Specifically, the event will be talking about the housing market with guest speaker Cory Wosnack.

Wosnack has over 25 years of commercial real estate experience and will be sharing insight into Alberta’s secondary markets and how it influences the province’s GDP.

Tickets are available until March 8 and can only be purchased on Eventbrite. You can also learn more about the Business Breakfast on the City of St. Albert website.

St. Albert Business Breakfast.