Fort Saskatchewan census asking about new pool

The Fort Saskatchewan Municipal Census is getting started next week.

On April 1, a link to the online census will become available on the City of Fort Saskatchewan’s website.

“The online census starts April 1st and will be available for several months. However, if you complete your census early, you will prevent an Enumerator from knocking on your door,” wrote the city, mentioning that residents will get green letters in the mail with a secure access code to the online census.

The census only needs to be filled out once per household, and if residents aren’t able to get around to it, enumerators will start visiting households starting on April 20.

There will also be a new question in the census asking residents about their thoughts on bringing a new pool to the community. This proposed pool would be at the Dow Centennial Centre and would replace the current Harbour Pool.

“This new facility would offer amenities such as a separate 8-lane swim tank, leisure tank, tot pool, hot tub, sauna, and steam room,” wrote the city, adding that the proposed pool would be twice the size of Harbour Pool.

The estimated cost of this new pool would be around $54 million, with the funding being financed over 30 years. According to the city, this could mean an increase of around $236 per year once the new pool is open.

You can find more details on the proposed pool on the City of Fort Saskatchewan website.

Fort Saskatchewan's Harbour Pool.