St. Albert man charged with sexual violence has gun license reinstated

A St. Albert man who has been charged with sexual contact with a minor has had his gun license reinstated.

Last year the man landed a job at a gun range in Edmonton, but during a background check it was found that he was not able to own a Possession and Acquisition License (PAL). This was due to the man facing charges of sexual contact with a minor.

Although the man had been released from custody with conditions that included him not being able to own firearms, this firearm condition had been removed.

Because of this the man appeared to court to have his PAL reinstated, noting that the charges the man is facing have not been proven in court.

Justice Gregory Rice decided to reinstate the man’s PAL as he discovered Canada’s Firearms Act contradicting the Alberta Chief Firearms Office.

Not only that, but the justice described the man’s license being revoked as “unreasonable”, stating that there is no evidence to suggest it would be a concern for him to own guns.

His gun license had been revoked as the Alberta Chief Firearms Office has a policy that revokes PALs from those being charged of sexual crimes against children, in order to decrease the chance of suicide.

Two of the five charges that the man initially faced have been dropped.

Judge Gavel.