Planned work temporarily closing Edmonton LRT station

Several maintenance projects will cause temporarily closures of LRT stations in Edmonton.

On Saturday from the start of service until noon, Capital and Metro Line trains will be running at 20-minute frequencies as trackwork is completed near Jubilee Station. The Metro Line will only be running from NAIT to Government Centre during this time.

Service is expected to return to its regular schedule at noon and lasting until about 8 p.m. After that point, there will be signal testing, which will stop the Metro Line service from NAIT to MacEwan.

During this time there will be an LRT replacement bus service, with the buses running every 15 minutes at bus stops marked with a blue LRT replacement sign.

On April 27 to 28, and May 4 to 5, the NAIT station will be closed for demolition work. There will be no trains running between Kingsway and NAIT during these days, with LRT replacement buses running instead.

Once the NAIT station is demolished, construction will begin on a planned shared-use path.

Also, on April 28 Metro Line trains will be running from Kingsway to Jubilee Station until about 6 in the evening. After that, the Metro Line will only be running from Kingsway to Churchill due to maintenance work.

You can find out about transit alerts in Edmonton by visiting the City of Edmonton website.

Edmonton LRT.
An RCMP Officer.

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