Violent offender released in Edmonton

Edmonton Police Service (EPS) are warning the public about the release of Luis Kenny, a convicted violent offender.

Police believe that Kenny will commit another offence against someone in the community, so they’re releasing an image of him to spread awareness.

Kenny is living in Edmonton after being released from jail on Thursday. He is currently subject to a court order with conditions, including:

  • He must live at a residence approved by the Provincial Court or his Supervisor.
  • He must abide by a curfew of 10 PM to 6 AM daily.
  • He will not have any guests at his residence during his hours of curfew.
  • He must not travel out of the City of Edmonton.
  • He must immediately report to his Supervisor any motor vehicle he acquires or has access to.
  • He must not be in possession of weapons of any kind, including knives, bear spray or dog spray, firearms, ammunition, explosive material, or any weapons whether homemade or otherwise.
  • He must not possess or consume alcohol, illegal drugs or intoxicating substances.

Kenny is described as 28-years-old, 5 foot 9 inches tall, about 170 pounds with brown eyes and black hair.

Kenny is also known to carry and use weapons during his offences, which results in physical harm to his victims. He has been known to quickly escalate to violence, whether that be with his partner, or anyone in the community.

Police decided to release this information as they believe it’s in public interest to inform the community.

Anyone with information on any potential breaches of these conditions can contact EPS 780-423-4567.

Luis Kenny.