Fifth annual STEAM Games showcasing students collaboration

The fifth annual STEAM Games are returning to Sturgeon County this week.

On Thursday the STEAM Games will be hosted at Sturgeon Composite High School from 9:15 a.m. until 2 p.m.

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math, with this event providing students a platform to collaborate, think critically, and design creatively through a series of challenges based around outer space.

“During the STEAM Games, students will compete in teams, working together to create prototypes, design solutions, and test devices for authentic challenges. The event promises to be both educational and entertaining, offering a glimpse into the remarkable talents of our young innovators,” wrote Sturgeon County in a release.

The event features students between Grades 1 and 12, with the event taking place at the school’s gym, drama room, learning commons, and even outside, if the weather permits.

2023 STEAM Games.