Legacy Park Family Festival returns for 2024

Fort Saskatchewan’s summer kickoff event is taking place on June 1 in Legacy Park.  New to this year’s festival is a chalk art contest, in collaboration with YouthFest.  Over 20 participants will create masterpieces that bring colour to the CN Station parking lot. Chalk will also be available for anyone who wants to play in the free play area.

Bring the family down to see the return of the famous sheep, jump around in the inflatables, take flight on the Euro Bungee, get a custom caricature print, showcase your golf swing in a simulator provided by Birdie Box, or express yourself with custom face painting and glitter tattoos.

The stage will showcase the following amazing local talent:

  • Dance Moves III
  • local singers from Erin Gott Studios
  • students from St. John Paul II Catholic School
  • Blizzard’s Cloggers
  • Christopher Hammer
  • JoJo’s Magic Circus
  • Jordan Sabo

Legacy Park is located in Downtown Fort Saskatchewan at 101 Street and 100 Avenue. For more information on the festival and the Sheep Returning Parade, visit fortsask.ca/FamilyFestival.

Disc Golf at Pryce Alderson park.
Victoria Promenade at sunset

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