Calgary Stampede a go despite water emergency

Calgary is receiving some help from abroad to solve its water woes.  The San Diego County Water Authority has shipped a section of feeder main pipe to repair the leak that has halved Calgary’s water supply.

The leak was discovered on June 5.  Subsequent repair efforts revealed five additional weak spots in the main that would also require repair.  The City of Calgary estimates a 3-5 week timeframe to complete the repairs.

That timeframe coincides with the Calgary Stampede.  Despite the strain that thousands of Stampede attendees would place upon Calgary’s crippled water infrastructure, the 10-day event will take place as scheduled.

Calgarians have responded to the crisis by cutting water consumption this past Saturday to the lowest level since conservation efforts began on June 5.

Section of water main sent from San Diego to Calgary.
Victoria Promenade at sunset

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