Violent sexual offender wanted for breach of conditions

EPS have warned that a violent sexual offender living in Edmonton has breached his release conditions and is now wanted by police.

Prinderjit Binning, 29, is a convicted violent sexual offender, and the Edmonton Police Service have reasonable grounds to believe he will commit another violent offence against someone while in the community.

Binning is to be residing in Edmonton after he was released from custody.  He is currently subject to a court order with conditions, and supervised by the Behavioural Assessment Unit of the Edmonton Police Service.  

Recently, Binning failed to report to his supervisor and breached several conditions of his release order.

Prinderjit Binning, 29
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 170 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

Anyone with any information about Binning’s location can contact the EPS at 780-423-4567.

Members of the public are advised that the intent of this process is to enable citizens to take suitable precautionary measures. Releasing this information is not intended to encourage people to engage in any form of vigilante action, which itself could constitute a criminal offence.

Image of Prinderjit Binning