Police remind Albertans of the 9pm Routine

Alberta summers mean late nights with the sun shining bright, however, it’s still important to remember a nightly routine. On average, property crime tends to rise during the summer months. In July 2023, in Alberta RCMP jurisdictions, there were 2,798 reports of Theft Under $5,000.

Property crimes are often crimes of opportunity, and maintaining a nightly routine can help deter thefts. The “9pm Routine” is a movement followed by police services around the world, encouraging people to follow a nightly checklist to ensure their property is secured.

A 9pm routine checklist consists of:

  • Locking your doors at night (even if you live in a small town).
  • Locking your garage or shed.
  • Ensuring all yard tools and recreational equipment is safely stored, preferably in a locked garage or shed.
  • Removing all keys from vehicles and locking the doors; securely store any off-highway vehicles.
  • Consider installing a home alarm; if you already have one, set your alarm before going to sleep.
  • Use motion sensor lights on the exterior of your property.

If you have a seasonal property or trailer, there are still 9pm Routine tasks you can follow, such as:

  • Using motion sensor lights on your property, especially at the entryways or near your shed or garage.
  • Use a hitch lock and ensure it is properly secured.
  • Remove the battery from your trailer when you leave for an extended period.
  • Ensure all tools and recreational items are securely stored once you are done with them.
  • Ensure your vehicle is locked and the keys and garage door opener are removed.
  • Ensure your garage or shed is locked each night.

For more tips and crime prevention information, follow #9PMRoutine and RCMP social media accounts on X (@RCMPAlberta) and Facebook (@RCMPinAlberta).

Stock image of a backyard party in summer