Balaclava Rapist granted full parole

Larry Takahashi, known as the Balaclava Rapist for a series of attacks on 23 women in Edmonton over 40 years ago, has been granted full parole while serving three consecutive life sentences.

The Parole Board of Canada cited Takahashi’s prolonged stability in his current living environment and his strong motivation for societal reintegration.

The board cited Takahashi’s completion of all recommended prison and community programs, regular meetings with a psychologist, and his continued openness to counselling if recommended.

His plan for full parole includes residing in a home he has rented at a location not disclosed in the decision, and he is financially self-sufficient.

Takahashi, now 71 years old, gained notoriety for wearing a ski mask during the assaults before his arrest in 1983, resulting in a guilty plea on 14 charges.

Today, the board released his psychological assessments, concluding that his risk of reoffending violently or sexually is relatively low or below average.

Victoria Promenade at sunset

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