France ban French Muslim athletes from wearing Hijab

As France prepares to host the Olympics, it has faced scrutiny over its stance on the hijab, an Islamic headscarf. While unable to ban all women athletes from wearing the hijab due to international regulations, France has imposed restrictions on their own athletes.

Citing concerns over secularism, French authorities argue that allowing Muslim women to wear the hijab during sports competitions could compromise the principle. The country is said to treat and act as if athletes representing France are considered public servants and must adhere to strict regulations accordingly.

In response, advocacy groups in France continue to support and advocate for hijab-wearing athletes, like Les Hijabeuses and Basket Pour Toutes. These groups organize festivals and tournaments, although their sports are not included in any recognized type of sport in France and don’t have more opportunities.

“Olympics are excellence, respect and friendship. The host country above all should honour these. To achieve this France must lift hijab bans in sports.” A non-profit organization.

“I think it’s going to be a shameful moment for France.”- Hélène Bâ is a French basketball player

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