St. Albert pausing all non-essential municipal water use

The city of St. Albert is implementing water use restrictions, pausing non-essential activities such as hydrant flushing, non-emergency sewer flushing, street sweeping, dust abatements, pool filling, park watering, firefighter training and washing City of St. Albert fleet vehicles.

The restrictions are being imposed as hot and dry weather persists across much of Alberta. The City of St. Albert noted that during these dry spells, water usage tends to increase beyond normal levels, resulting in a decline in water levels across the city’s three reservoirs.

The City of St. Albert said these measures are typically enacted when water reservoirs are forecasted to be below 50 per cent of available volume.

Businesses that use significant amounts of water are also being urged to limit their consumption, while residents are requested to conserve water wherever possible.

These measures are typically enacted when reservoir levels are forecasted to drop below 30 percent of their available volume.

Meanwhile, EPCOR has confirmed that Edmonton is not currently facing water restrictions. However, residents are encouraged to use water responsibly and conserve it as much as possible during this period.

St. Albert.
Victoria Promenade at sunset

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