Bad Monday for Prime Minister Trudeau

It’s never a good day when you’re the Prime Minister of a country and your Minister of Finance publicly resigns the morning she was expected to deliver the fall economic statement.

It’s even worse when the public resignation letter includes the passage, “On Friday, you told me you no longer want me to serve as your Finance Minister and offered me another position in the cabinet.” Chrystia Freeland went on to add, “For the past number of weeks, you and I have found ourselves at odds about the best path forward for Canada.”


That wasn’t the only bombshell impacting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau yesterday. His party also lost a critical by-election in Cloverdale-Langley City, BC. Preliminary results have former Conservative MP Tamara Jansen returning to Parliament Hill with more than 66% of the vote in the riding, with the Liberal and NDP candidates earning 16% and 12.5% of the vote respectively.

This marks the third loss for the Liberal Party of Canada in a by-election this year.

Double ouch.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.