Canada Carbon Rebate cheques drop tomorrow

The new quarter marks the new round of the Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR) payments. Check your mailboxes and monitor your bank accounts because tomorrow you’ll get some extra cash! The CCR is a tax-free amount paid to help families and residents offset the cost of federal pollution pricing. The rebate amounts are as follows:

  • $225 for an individual
  • $112.50 for married (common-law included) persons
  • $56.25 for any child under 18

The rural supplement in Alberta is:

  • $45 for an individual
  • $22.50 for married (common-law included) persons
  • $11.25 for any child under 19
  • $22.50 for any first-born child in a single-parent household

The rural supplement in Alberta is anyone who lives outside the Census Metropolitan Area.

The last CCR payment came on October 15th. The one following tomorrow’s is expected on April 15th.

Loads of money.