School bus fly-bys are a growing safety risk

A school bus “fly-by” is when a driver passes a school bus when a child is boarding or exiting the bus, indicated by flashing red lights. Legally, any and all drivers must stop if a school bus is displaying flashing red lights. Hot spots for fly-bys are Highway 16 and 14, and Range Road 215.

12 tickets have already been dolled out around the city. “Passing a school bus with flashing lights and an extended stop sign is not just illegal, it may result in the loss of a child’s life,” says Lisa-Marie Weder, Director of Student Transportation at Elk Island Public Schools. “While the $567 fine and six demerit points serve as a stern warning, these penalties are reactive. EIPS believes in a proactive approach: educating motorists about the importance of stopping for school buses with their flashing lights and stop sign out to keep our students safe. A child’s life is far too precious to risk for a moment of impatience.”

Many school buses are also now equipped with cameras. This allows bus drivers to show video evidence to authorities when a driver puts the safety of children at risk.

A School Bus.