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‘Alberta is Calling’ ad campaign ends after Alberta gains 17,000 people

Alberta was the only province in Canada to achieve positive interprovincial migration numbers in the last three months.

In total, Alberta gained 17,094 people between July and September. Compare this to almost every other province, which saw more people leaving than arriving. The only other province with positive interprovincial migration numbers this recent quarter was New Brunswick, with 21 new people.

This trend in Alberta began over a year ago, gaining at least 10,000 new people for the last five consecutive quarters. Because of this, Alberta is closing out their “Alberta is Calling” campaign.

This campaign, which started in August of 2022, emphasized “bigger paycheques” and “smaller rent cheques”. They rolled out a second round of the campaign in March of this year.

However, the campaign has ended not just due to a rise in population, but due to the rise in rent fees, which have been seen in cities such as Calgary.

As of right now, there are around 4,756,408 people living in Alberta.

North Saskatchewan River.
Mrs. Tinney's classroom.

April’s Classroom of The Month

Congratulations to Mrs. Tinney’s Grade 12 class at Fort High for being April’s classroom of the month. The class received a pizza party on Monday, with the pies provided by SkyHy Pizza and Donair. There were also some fresh fruit...