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Electronics will be able to be recycled at depots in Alberta by spring of 2025

The Government of Alberta is set to make its pilot electronic recycling program permanent, effective April 2025. Residents will soon be able to recycle a wide range of electronic items, including cellphones, microwaves, and video game equipment.

The program, which has been in testing since 2020, utilizes a new AI-powered X-ray system to help workers identify and safely remove hazardous components like batteries for proper processing. The company managing the project reports that 95 percent of the metals and plastics in these electronic items can be melted down, ground, and reused.

Since its inception, the pilot project has successfully diverted 14,000 tonnes of electronic waste from Alberta’s landfills. The provincial government has indicated that recycling fees may be introduced as part of the program.

Once launched, residents will be able to drop off their electronic items at any of the 365 registered recycling depots across the province.

Photo from electronic.recycling.association