What was that alert on my phone? Why did it interrupt my radio and TV?

A nationwide test of Alert Ready, Canada’s National Public Alerting System, took place on today, November 20, across most provinces and territories. The test aims to increase public awareness, make sure it is reliable, and allow emergency management officials to practice issuing alerts.

Residents in participating areas received a test message from their respective provincial or territorial emergency management organization via television, radio, and compatible wireless devices. The message was a drill of an emergency alert, including the familiar Canadian Alert Attention Signal, and clarified that it is only a test requiring no action from the public.

Purpose of the Test

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) mandates that wireless service providers and broadcasters issue at least one test alert annually, typically in May during Emergency Preparedness Week or November. Testing is at the discretion of provincial and territorial emergency management organizations.

The objectives of the test include:

  • Raising public awareness and encouraging emergency preparedness discussions.
  • Ensuring the system operates as intended from end-to-end.
  • Allowing emergency officials to practice issuing public alerts.

What Canadians Should Know

The test alert will reach TV, radio, and wireless devices, though not all mobile users may receive it. Factors such as device compatibility, network connection, cell tower coverage, and software settings may affect reception.