Gas prices drop today
Edmonton is seeing a drop of three cents in gas prices today. The average price yesterday for regular fuel was 135.9/L. The price starting today is 132.9/L. As well as for premium, yesterday it was 162.9/L and today it’s down
Edmonton is seeing a drop of three cents in gas prices today. The average price yesterday for regular fuel was 135.9/L. The price starting today is 132.9/L. As well as for premium, yesterday it was 162.9/L and today it’s down
Cineplex wants to see more people at their theatres. Starting this coming Tuesday until February 11th, Albertan’s of all ages can enjoy seeing a film on the big screen every Tuesday for only $5. While you’re there, you can also
It’s going to be a weird day. Monday’s high of -9 with a chance of flurries is rather typical, but that temperature will stay consistent throughout the day and into the evening, then rising overnight to -3 tomorrow morning. That’s
Today will be a lovely Friday with a high of zero and a chance of flurries. Overnight, expect a low that is a normal daytime high with a few clouds. Saturday and Sunday begin to cool down, but nothing that
St. Albert hosts tons of holiday activities leading up to Christmas all over their beautiful town. They have their very own take on the classic “Candy Cane Lane” called “Christmas Lane” on Elliot Place. Every house is decked out beautifully
Normals for today are -6 for the high, and -14 for the low. Keep that in mind as you continue reading. All week, the forecast is for daytime highs that make better overnight lows, with the temperature dropping to -19
Thursday morning’s clouds and small chance of flurries clear out in the afternoon, leaving behind only a few clouds and a high just above normal. Friday is a carbon copy of today, leading into a rather nice weekend for some
Wednesday brings with it clouds and light snow: not much accumulation, but maybe enough to polish the ice on the roads. Don’t expect to see much of the sun until Friday, where we’ll reach a high of -2 under gloriously
It’s going to be a snowy day, although we’re not expecting any great accumulations. The snow ends overnight, leaving behind an inch or two for the kids to shovel. Wednesday brings a solid chance of flurries and a bit of
Expect a chilly mix of weather this week, beginning with cloudy skies and a 60% chance of morning flurries on Monday, clearing partially by afternoon with a high of 1°C and wind chill of -10°C. Tonight brings mainly cloudy skies