Edmonton Gang Suppression Team seize two handguns

The Edmonton Police Service Gang Suppression Team arrested two male suspects with handguns.

On November 18, officers with the team were in the area of 64 Street and Roper Road when they noticed a suspicious vehicle.

The officers approached the vehicle where they found two handguns and ammunition. One of the guns had an over capacity magazine, and the other was loaded.

“The prevalence of these weapons on our streets, especially at 11 o’clock in the morning is very concerning, as well as the lack of regard for weapons prohibitions placed on convicted offenders by the courts,” said Staff Sergeant Eric Stewart with EPS.

Brian Potts, 45, has been arrested and charged with:

  • Possession of a loaded prohibited firearm
  • Possession of a firearm knowing possession unauthorized
  • Possession of a prohibited firearm contrary to order (x6)
  • Unauthorized possession of a firearm/weapon in a vehicle

Potts was found breaching conditions of three lifetime firearm prohibition orders after arrests and convictions in two other provinces.

The second suspect, 19-year-old Jamal Mustafa, has been charged with:

  • Possession of a loaded prohibited or restricted firearm
  • Possession of a firearm knowing possession unauthorized
  • Knowingly possess prohibited / restricted weapon and contravened regulation

Potts will be appearing in court on December 5, while Mustafa will be in court on December 19.

Seized handguns.