Alberta Electric System Operator issues Grid Alert for Second Day in a Row

The Alberta Electric System Operator issued a grid alert on Sunday, January 14, at 3:42 p.m., a second day in a row, due to extreme cold conditions straining the electricity system due to increased demand.

The AESO alert asks Albertans to turn off unnecessary lights and electrical appliances, minimize the use of space heaters, and delay the use of major power-consuming appliances, such as washers, dryers, and dishwashers until after peak hours.

Environment Canada’s extreme cold warning remains in effect for the entire province of Alberta, with cold temperatures in Edmonton and the surrounding areas ranging between -35°C to -45°C, and wind chill values between -40°C to -50°C.

Temperatures are expected to being to moderate on Monday, federal weather agency’s alert says. Check with Environment Canada for the latest alerts and warnings.

Below: Image of electricity transmission tower and lines by Flickr user Markus Grossalber.

Victoria Promenade at sunset

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