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Edmonton Announces Parking Ban to Facilitate Snow Removal

The City of Edmonton has declared a citywide “phase one” parking ban starting Tuesday, January 23 at 7 a.m. to allow work crews to clear snow from major roadways.

“The continued accumulation of snow combined with the warmer temperatures and lingering snowpack necessitate a phase one parking ban to ensure the major roadways are cleared and safe for all vehicles,” said Val Dacyk, General Supervisor of Infrastructure Field Operations, Parks and Roads Services in a media release.

“We appreciate everyone keeping these major roadways cleared of parked vehicles so crews can provide clearer roads that are easier and safer to navigate. We anticipate the parking ban to remain in effect for three to five days,” Dacyk said.

The city says that while work crews focus their snow clearing efforts on arterial roadways, collector roads, bus routes (roads marked with seasonal no parking signage) and roads within business improvement areas, parking will be prohibited in these areas.

People may continue to park on their residential streets, the city said.

“Edmontonians are reminded that parking is also allowed on roads as soon as they have been cleared, as long as parking is allowed there normally,” the news release states.

To keep up to date with the city’s snow clearing efforts, you can visit Edmonton’s roadways snow clearing map. Edmonton also offers an active path snow clearing map, which details where the city prioritizes walking path snow and ice removal.

Below: The image “Plow” is taken by Flickr user Leaca.

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