Union Representing City of Edmonton Workers Set to Serve Strike Notice

The union that represents City of Edmonton and Edmonton Public Library workers says it will serve strike notice Monday at 11 a.m.

Global News reports Civic Service Union 52 workers will be able to walk off the job Thursday at 11 a.m., 72 hours after notice is issued.

Last week, CSU52 membership rejected the city’s final offer with 87.6% of the vote.

“Where is the leadership in this city? It’s regrettable that it has come to this, but our members have been more than patient and fair, asking for what is reasonable after five years of stagnant wages,” Lanny Chudyk, president of CSU52, is quoted in a news release.

“This isn’t just about our members; it’s about the entire city. A strike will have ripple effects across Edmonton, impacting services that residents rely on daily, jeopardizing the safety of our citizens, and paralyzing industries,” Chudyk said.

The City of Edmonton’s final offer included 7.25 per cent in wage increases over five years, including some retroactive pay for prior years.

“We believe our offer is fair when you consider the balance the city needs to achieve between recognizing the value of employees through a pay raise and the impact that increase has on all taxpayers,” said Cyndil Taylor, Edmonton’s acting chief people officer, in a media release published on Wednesday Feb. 28, ahead of the vote.

Heartland News has attempted to contact CSU52 for comment.

Winter storytelling event next Monday

Next Monday at Fort Saskatchewan Elementary, enjoy food and storytelling with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit families! This is a night focussed on the history of First Nation lives in Canada. The event is happening from 6:00 p.m. till 7:30...