Strathcona County preparing for 2024 census

Later this Spring, Strathcona County is conducting their municipal census.

On May 1 residents will receive a PIN code with instructions on how to complete the census online. The county recommends the online census for its convenience and security.

Two weeks into May and census workers will also begin going door-to-door for households that have not participated yet. During this time the online census will remain open.

“An online census is both a cost-effective and environmentally responsible approach for the County. Residents will find it to be a swift and secure process, enhancing the overall experience,” wrote the county on its website.

For those without computers, there is also a way to take the census over the phone.

“Participation in the census helps the County gain valuable insights into the community’s needs. This data informs crucial decisions regarding development and contributes to planning for services and infrastructure, including roads, transit, emergency services, and various municipal programs.”

Strathcona County is also looking for more members in their Census Team, with application forms available on their website. In person applications can be handed it at 160 Festival Way between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

The last census was completed in 2022, with information on previous census’ also available on the Strathcona County website.

Strathcona County.