Edmonton piano teacher charged with sexual assault

A piano teacher from Edmonton is facing charges of sexual assault.

According to Edmonton police, they received reports of a 10-year-old girl being sexually assaulted by her 59-year-old piano teacher on several occasions.

The report also claims that the assaults took place during piano lessons while the victim’s mother was in another part of the house.

Police have arrested and charged 59-year-odl Cassius Alleyne with sexual assault and sexual interference. He has been released from custody on several conditions, including not attending any public area where children may be present.

According to Edmonton police, Alleyne has been teaching piano to both adults and children for the last seven years, and typically would give lessons in the homes of his students.

Police believe that there may be more alleged victims of Alleyne, and are asking those people to come forward by contacting them at 780-423-4567.

Cassius Alleyne.