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Edmonton calls on province to scrap Bill 18 and Bill 20

The City of Edmonton is asking the provincial government to scrap two bills that would give the province control over municipalities.

Bill 18 would require the province to approve any municipal funding that comes from the federal government, while Bill 20 would bring political parties to municipal elections and give the province the ability to remove elected officials.

Edmonton city council voted unanimously in favour of asking the province to rescind these bills, with them claiming it’s due to a lack of stakeholder engagement.

Municipal Affairs Minister Ric McIver claimed to have spoken with municipal leaders, but according to Alberta Municipalities, they had not had any consultation.

This caused Alberta Municipalities to join Edmonton’s call towards the bills being scrapped, with the organization claiming that the provincial government is not listening to its constituents.

Despite this, the province still plans on going through with the bills, with them expected to be passed by the end of the month.

Edmonton City Hall.
Loads of money.

Scotiabank system down

Scotiabank was experiencing technical difficulties that impacted direct deposits and causing missed payments for some clients. The bank acknowledged on X that issues with inbound payments, including both direct deposits and cheque deposits, have resulted in discrepancies in account balances....