New 7-12 school in Fort Saskatchewan is in the works

In a bid to replace the aging Fort Saskatchewan High School and Rudolph Hennig Junior High, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) is proposing a new, combined Grade 7-12 facility. The new model aims to attract provincial attention and expedite the approval process for this long-prioritized capital project.

The proposed Elk Island Heartland Collegiate will not only encompass the traditional school curriculum but also feature advanced career and technology foundations. The facility will include state-of-the-art labs designed to offer students apprentice-level instruction, enhancing their practical skills and career readiness.

The proposed Elk Island Heartland Collegiate, designed to accommodate 1,400 students, will be situated along Southridge Boulevard, east of Heartland Ford. The new facility is expected to cost approximately $79.8 million, based on EIPS’s latest 2024-2027 Capital Plan.

“The vision for the new school includes incorporating a collegiate educational model into the replacement school by partnering with Alberta Education, Advanced Education and local industry organizations.” – Elks Island Public Schools website

The project, which includes advanced career and technology labs for apprentice-level instruction, is set to be formally submitted to the province as part of the budget request for Budget 2025.

A School Bus.

Winter storytelling event next Monday

Next Monday at Fort Saskatchewan Elementary, enjoy food and storytelling with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit families! This is a night focussed on the history of First Nation lives in Canada. The event is happening from 6:00 p.m. till 7:30...